Empire Copper Says
My Father is a water colour artist and has been a great inspiration to my work. He paints hunting scenes and we used to hunt together from an early age. - Glen
FEATURE ARTIST: Jessica Rangel of Copper & Stone
"Comparison is the thief of joy" - Theodore Roosevelt
I love that quote because with social media it's easy to look around at all the amazing things other artists are accomplishing, and feel less than. But the world needs artists!! We need art in all forms!
FEATURE ARTISTS: Natalia & Nick Skuba
"If that artistic fire lives inside of you, don’t ignore it, and please don’t give up on it. There are so many creative outlets out there. Chances are you have yet to discover the one that’s right for you!"
FEATURE ARTIST: Adam Colangelo
"There’s so much to learn when you first start, and you have to be prepared to work hard and wear many ‘hats’ in order to run a successful small business. But if there’s a will, there’s always a way."
Dream big. And then, get to work. The world was built by people who did just that... The world can feel very big and overwhelming at times – but it was dreamt and built by people."
FEATURE ARTIST: Kristine Macdonald
"I preferred working in copper because it was bit more unique and unusual in jewellery making. Eventually I began to sell my work and it is now my full time job!"
"I try to just create my own style. But love seeing what others are doing. One like or comment about my artwork from a fellow copper artist is always a boost for the soul."